Ingrid McGaughey, Author at Ingrid Bjel McGaughey - Mortgage Broker - Page 18 of 32

January 1, 2016 0 Comments

New down payment rules coming February 2016 If you're buying a Canadian home in 2016, you may need a bigger downpayment. As of February 2016, the rules are changing, depending on the purchase

November 16, 2015 7 Comments

What is a private mortgage and why might you want one? A private mortgage is one that is offered by an individual or a company who is not a mainstream or alternative institutional

July 27, 2015 3 Comments

These days of sunshine and beautiful temperatures make you think of parties? How about a mortgage burning party? Okay, I know that sounds nerdy. Still, we all know that the faster you pay

June 8, 2015 9 Comments

Mortgages and financing after bankruptcy One of the most common situations I encounter when talking to my post-bankruptcy clients is a lack of re-established credit. With our alternative lenders, I can get good

May 12, 2015 10 Comments

Down payment tips - how to prep You’ve got your down payment and you’re ready to go. Congrats!  So what's next? Confirming the details To fulfill the conditions of your mortgage approval, you'll need to