Ingrid McGaughey, Author at Ingrid Bjel McGaughey - Mortgage Broker - Page 30 of 33

June 29, 2011 7 Comments

Lenders want to see great credit... But how do you even get started with establishing credit? Mortgage lenders will definitely check your credit profile.  When they do, you want to be sure that

June 20, 2011 Comments Off

Why use a mortgage broker? You may be asking yourself: Why use a mortgage broker? Isn't it just as good to just go into a branch of your local bank and talk to

June 13, 2011 Comments Off

Buying a new Canadian home? Congratulations!  Whether it's your first home purchase, or you have bought one or more homes before, it's important to make sure you get a solid understanding of your many mortgage financing options. Ideally, you want

June 6, 2011 Comments Off

What is credit and what makes it "good" or "bad"? If you're starting to research mortgages, chances are you've come across the term "credit". As well, you've likely seen the terms "good credit"

June 3, 2011 1 Comment

Thinking you might like to help your kids buy their first home? Abigail Van Buren once said, “If you want children to keep their feet on the ground, put some responsibility on their shoulders.”