Financing a home for your university or college student As your child embarks on their college or university journey, the idea of providing them with a second home near campus is undoubtedly appealing.
Wondering if you'll succeed in saving for your down payment? Buying your first home can be daunting, especially if you're buying a home in Toronto, Mississauga, or the surrounding areas. Bad enough that home prices
Common mistakes made by first-time homebuyers... And how to avoid making those first-time homebuyer mistakes! I tend to revise this list from time to time, based on what I'm seeing with my clients.
Do your own personal stress test There's been a lot of nervousness about the latest rendition of the mortgage stress test. There's now only a minimal purchasing power boost if you put more
Fixed or variable rate mortgage: is rate the only thing to look at? One of the biggest questions you'll face when planning your mortgage, is whether to lock in to a fixed rate