Mortgage strategies - Page 9 of 16

August 8, 2017 0 Comments

On July 12th, for the first time in seven years, the Bank of Canada increased the overnight rate by .25%, withdrawing some of the stimulus that was needed after the oil price collapse

June 12, 2017 0 Comments

Bridge loans can help make real estate transitions easier A bridge loan is a short-term financing tool that helps you “bridge” the gap between old and new mortgages when you move from one

March 22, 2017 0 Comments

You can improve mortgage qualifying success Yes, new mortgage rules have made it harder to qualify for a mortgage, whether you are a first-time buyer or looking to renew or refinance your mortgage

February 1, 2017 0 Comments

Planning to buy with less than 20%? You'll need default insurance We're all looking to save a little money - every little bit helps. If you're planning to buy with less than 20% down,

January 30, 2017 2 Comments

Mortgage brokers drive mortgage rates down by 17.5% A 2011 Bank of Canada study said that "the average impact of a mortgage broker is to reduce rates by 17.5 basis points."  In fact, controlling