Etobicoke Archives - Page 7 of 12 - Ingrid Bjel McGaughey - Mortgage Broker

January 18, 2016 0 Comments

Debt is on the rise...   It seems like this is the time of year when we hear a lot about household debt.  In one bankruptcy blog, the author writes that while a

November 16, 2015 7 Comments

What is a private mortgage and why might you want one? A private mortgage is one that is offered by an individual or a company who is not a mainstream or alternative institutional

June 8, 2015 9 Comments

Mortgages and financing after bankruptcy One of the most common situations I encounter when talking to my post-bankruptcy clients is a lack of re-established credit. With our alternative lenders, I can get good

May 12, 2015 10 Comments

Down payment tips - how to document the details You’ve got your down payment and you’re ready to go. Congrats!  So what's next? Confirming the details To fulfill the conditions of your mortgage approval, you'll

February 14, 2015 0 Comments

Resent your mortgage? Or worse, are you a little afraid of it?  You're not alone.  Most of us see the mortgage as this giant debt that is our single biggest monthly expense, and there's