Ingrid McGaughey, Author at Ingrid Bjel McGaughey - Mortgage Broker - Page 27 of 33

October 11, 2012 0 Comments

As any seasoned real estate investor will tell you, qualifying for a mortgage with preferable terms is essential.  Before seeking real estate investment financing for your property purchase, planning ahead should be a

October 3, 2012 1 Comment

There are many different ways to invest in Ontario real estate. As with any investment, the opportunities range in complexity, risk level, and ease of entry. This article introduces some of the more

October 2, 2012 23 Comments

Mainstream mortgage lenders are not for everyone One of our alternative lenders was visiting the office last week and gave us an update on their products and policies. What struck me, not for

February 27, 2012 4 Comments

What are "mortgage ratios" and why do they matter? A question I commonly get asked is "what are those mortgage ratios people talk about?" If you're doing home buying research, chances are you've heard

January 24, 2012 0 Comments

The latest issue of our newsletter covers some great topics - how to choose the right home for you, the final days of the Eco rebates, and some housing market stats. Click at