Ingrid McGaughey, Author at Ingrid Bjel McGaughey - Mortgage Broker - Page 5 of 30

January 8, 2024 4 Comments

A 10-step roadmap for first-time homebuyers: how to buy your first home The journey to buy your first home is an exciting and pivotal time in your life. In my work as a

January 1, 2024 0 Comments

What’s on your financial bucket list? Your bucket list includes the goals, life experiences, and dreams you want to achieve, not just in retirement but also now or in the near future. Here

December 5, 2023 3 Comments

What's the rush?  The financial "why" HSBC did an interesting study in the UK in 2014.  It suggested that if you buy your first home by 29, you create a positive cycle that not only

November 20, 2023 1 Comment

Applying for that store card can hurt you This is one of my pet peeves:  you walk into a store, go to make your purchase, and when you line up at the cash

November 14, 2023 1 Comment

Waiting to deal with debt can hurt you The CBC published a great article a while back, entitled "Debt's Dirty Dozen Danger Signs".  The article highlights an issue we mortgage brokers come across